
You’re watching Stranger Things, right? RIGHT?!

Have you been watching (or binging) the new Netflix miniseries Stranger Things yet?
If so, and if you’re a child of the 1980s like me, you probably felt a rush of nostalgic familiarity. The series channels the work of eighties icons like Steven Spielberg, John Carpenter and Stephen King, reminding us of movies like E.T., Goonies, Nightmare on Elm Street and Poltergeist. It’s everything Super 8 strove to be (and did  quite well, actually) and so much more.
From an artistic/visual perspective, the Duffer Brothers have nailed this. From fashion, to the cinematography to the score, the series captures a grungy, small town, early 1980s vibe (in which the story is set) while also capturing the overall feel of a movie released in that era (however, with modern production values).
It certainly is a visual treat which those of my particular vintage are sure to enjoy. And the writing and performances are also top notch, so there’s that too!
I’ve decided to feature the title sequence, chalk full of eighties goodness from its Stephen-King-novel-typeface to the eerie synth music. Enjoy. And if you’re not watching this series yet, get on it!

Creative,Design Inspiration



Well, here it is – my obligatory ‘first post’. After years of focusing on other online ventures, I have finally carved out my own modest, little piece of the interwebs. Welcome.

